Mijn Herberg van de Ziel
Paula Hina Jampa Dawa Benthem
Ervaringsprofessional - Andragoog - Traumadeskundige- Rebalancer
Droomvrouw van Nederland
Deze website staat onder bescherming van de Serafijnen Orde Engelen

Eerst een gedichtje over de woestijn uit de 'Happinez'
Hills and desert offer the Healing effect of the Soul
Silence invites you to quitte your mind
Sand & wind teach you how to let things go
Sun reminds you of the sunrise & sunset, that everything is impermanent
Camels reminds you that this is your journey not your destination
Stars reminds you of the million blessings you have in your life.
Everyday 'Heiligschennis'
I life in a mental hospital where there is everyday violation of my soul rights. I was inspired by the Tale of the Sand a Derwisj Tale and I did medatative claying and I created 3 pieces. And I had a inner journey that day of the future of my life. I knew that I would almost not survive it. And I am so sorry my Masterpiece shown on my impression page is broken. But the Middle the wave of the sea is healthy and in my new home, where I not my abide and be in peace with everything. So I am humiliated inane mental institution where nothing has changed since 2012. The forst time I came there. So 12 years of growing wasn't taken place here in Lentis. But I grew on.
There was something about me about doing my best, and I transformed in being in the flow of my own window of tolerance. I hope I can show you the foto. Cause the first statue of myself missed one leg and had a turning way of doing my best. and my last masterpiece was inside in prayer and outside in 'Overgave' to Mother Earth and Father Heaven as a channel.
And now I became with many dangers on my path a Dreaming Oracle where people have refuge to, with an protecting mandala everyday if they have refuge. But I don't know exactly who all refuge cause the nursed doctors are not in tune with me.
I was also inspired by the tale of raponsje, how the mother and father needed 'Radijsjes' to become pregnant, but their child was stolen. And finally her prince found her in the wildernis and her tears made him seeing again and they had a twin she cared for in the wildernis.
The other inspiration book I like is Toon Tellegen with modern animal tales, and I like them because they represent the people today and they trying to celebrate as much as possible, so I am hoping I will have a wedding soon with my 24 soul partners where I share Mahamudra with not porn, cause I dislike porn, it's so ugly to see with your eyes.
But the most important inspiration is the Tale of Jozef from the Bible, I had a child version and his story is always with me. How he was excluded by his brothers nd put in a put. Found by traveling Egyptians who made him a slave but how he became an underking because he could explain the nightmares of the Farao. And so he made a plan for the hunger problem that would arise. And he saw his brothers coming in need of food for their children. But they did not recognize them. But later on they did recognize them and Jozef was reunited with his father and they were asked to come living in Egypt.
And I don't like to say anything now about the conflict between the Arabic World Islam and Judaism and Isreal. Cause they should read their scriptures. And let Jerusalem be the Golden Gate.
Aho, Amen, Halleluya, Paula

My two statues of the three of my 'Meditatief Boetseren' day with a centrum 'De Poort', an old 'Klooster'. With at the right my 'doing my best statue' And at the lift my flow statue with 'overgave' to heaven and earth, but with a deep rooted body in the earth.
The second statue is a Wave of the Sea, as I am a wave of the see continually coming in and out from the infinite ocean of life. It's in my 'Herberg of the Ziel' home at my apartment here, where I am not allowed to be. And it's part of my bedroom altar with a button of the dancing figures of 'Op Roakeldais' the dancing festival of my home town Warffum. I hope I will be there soon in Groningen 'Golden Laand'