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Dit is een impressie van mijn eigen zielereis in de afgelopen 4 jaar. 

Deze pagina komt beter tot zijn recht op een groot scherm


Myn broer in ik in paranormale verbinding -samen in de geest

.Mijn moeder op mijn verjaardag in 2019

Mijn Verjaardag van 2019

Mijn moeder en ik

The Real Rainbow Warrior

The Real Rainbow Warrior


door God gekleid


Herberg van de Ziel

in Gods Hand


Paula Benthem Gyan Amrita Jampa Dawa Deva Che Hina Benthem 


My True Protectors


Mijn Totemprotectors Daan en Teun, helaas niet meer in leven. Maar toen bleek Teun een zwarte Jaguar te zijn en Daan en Siberische Witte Tijger, die altijd bij me zijn, zoals zo veel dieren. 


The Karmapa, leader of the Karma Kagyu Lineage, with a homestead in Hantum. What would I like to have a walk with him physically and not in dreams sharing my thoughts about this planet and what would I like a hug of him, cause we have created healing coronawifi, with sharing MahaMudra, and what would I like hear his poems in native Tibetan language (but I wouldn't understand anything but I would enjoy it forever) and see his paintings at het 'dorpsommetje van Garnwerd' the place with a Star and Himalaya mountain on the Krassumerstraat 15, my 'Huisje Boompje Beestje' and not of someone else. And I like to share my passions with him, not as a partner but as a friend. 


IDe Stupa of Hantum


The Karmapa


I had ones a dream of Lama Tsultrim Allione walking and talking with on her property in California, but I walked also in her dreams, while having a walk at the 'dorpsommetje' of Garnwerd. But she inspired me so much with Feeding the demons, by not sending them away but feeding them with your love and nectar. And she inspired me with her book Wisdom Rising, about important female wisdomdakini's who rpotect and who you can connect with. 

My inspirators from Buddhism since 2012, they have helped me in my mind and inspirited me.  

Leaf Pattern Design
Lama Caroline.jpg

Lama Caroline - Heart Daughter of Lama Ganchen 

Pema Chodron

Pema Chodron - inspired by her Books 


Naar Binnen - The inside outside

Storm van binnen - Zoekend naar rust - Op weg zijn naar vrede

Leaf Pattern Design

My Road to Myself and hopefully going on in the right direction -
Back Home 

Leaf Pattern Design

Mijn familie bij het 50 jarig huwelijk van mijn ouders.

Mijn visie op Corona en hoe we in balans met Moeder Aarde kunnen komen. 


"Heb Uw Naaste Lief als Uzelf " 

Paula Jampa Dawa Hina Benthem "Moon of Love" 


Follow Your Heart that's a better Routeplanner / Guide in Life" Cause It has Millions More neurons than your Brain, but how many neurons has the Gut? But a healthy brain begins with a healthy 'Darmflora' 

Soms moet je Denkend, Wandelend, Voelend, de juiste beslissingen maken.


Keeper of Herberg of the Ziel, a refuge home for souls who are being 'sorry', and the door is always open for who says 'sorry 'may I come in?'


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